- We feed Diamond Natural Small Breed Puppy (Chicken and Rice Formula) Click Here for a link
- We think having canned pumpkin or a pumpkin supplement for pups is a great idea! Pumpkin is a natural probiotic and can help settle an upset tummy! We love THIS powder or THIS food topper.
- Sometimes puppies will get stressed when moved to a new environment and do not want to eat. These products will have your pups eating in no time!
- It is always a good idea to have some sugar booster on hand. HERE is a product we like.
- We recommend crate training. We love this crate. It is easy to move and has a removable bottom that is easy to pull out to change puppy pads. CLICK HERE
- We love a puppy playpen for containing pups both inside and outside. THIS is one of our favorites!
- Planning to travel by plane? THIS is our favorite soft crate.
- Although it may seem silly, THIS heartbeat puppy can be very soothing to pups.
- Do you live in an apartment and don't want to risk taking your pup out where other pups have been? THIS is a great tool to help with potty training.
- HERE is our dog's favorite toy! This nylabone pretzel seems to be a crowd favorite!
We recommend finding a trainer or an obedience class near the buyer's home. There are TONS of videos available online. We are in no way affiliated with this gentlemen, but we love his training methods and step by step courses. He does offer free training videos on different social media platforms. For his full online courses, CLICK HERE.